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Kurt Ozinga – :
This is an ARC graciously provided to me
Points of departure is Emily O’Beirne’s third book and I was excited to get my hands (computer hands?) on it to read. The synopsis tells the basic story so we can skip that. It’s a YA focusing again on the 18-20 year old, about-to-be-an-adult stage in one’s life. The author describes this time very well.
The start of the story introduces us to the five characters all going through something, some tension, that needs to be released on an epic trip. Unfortunately, to add to the tension, the friend that knows these girls when they don’t know each other, has to back out of the trip. The other girls freak because they suddenly realize that even with all of the other stress going on in their lives (and they have it) they are about to share themselves in tight quarters on an adventure where everyone has to get to know the others because there is no choice. We have the privilege of getting to know them as well and how this trip aids, or exacerbates all of their tensions they brought with them.
I remember backpacking through Europe and I think most Americans miss out on this kind of dirty, exhilarating experience, which is sad, and may impede some wonderful personal growth, but also full understanding of what these girls go through. One can be so overloaded and very easily decide to sit on a bench eating an ice cream instead of seeing the Mona Lisa as an example of the overload a trip like this can be.
This book is written in a quiet way without anything sensational happening to the group. The viewpoint skips around, in the present tense, so that the reader becomes aware of each girl’s thoughts. No. Strike that. There is a wild card thrown in here, a wild child named Mai, and much of what happens on the trip is a reaction to what Mai has planned or done. The other girls have their viewpoints shared. What is interesting is the side story of Kit, the one everyone knew who could not go with them, as she struggles to succeed in Melbourne and it was never distracting, always enjoyable. The author has created some definite characters.
I loved the romance that was also a part of the story and it was very much a surprise because of…. hmmm I cannot say. I won’t say whether or not the book ends happily or not either. I can say the ending was perfect.
I loved the book.
Kurt Ozinga – :
Why is there only one review for this book? Mine? It’s fabulous. Buy it and read it!
Philippa Black – :
I’m not the kind of person who tells other people that they absolutely *have* to read a book. That said, everyone—especially women who love women—should read this book. It’s both refreshing and cozy, like drinking lemonade while snuggling under your favorite blanket. It took me back to my own adventures abroad and falling in love with one of my fellow travelers while walking around European cities. O’Beirne’s style is simple without being spartan and I’m going to read more of her books.
The book is told from the perspective of all five girls, all of whom are likable, complex characters who have relatable struggles. When I first began reading, I was worried that Mai would be a flat character, one to which the other girls could be compared in order to show growth. I was pleasantly surprised when she was later fleshed out and given almost as much depth as the others.
As a lesbian, I’m usually bored by heterosexual romances unless they’re excruciatingly well-written. In Points of Departure, there’s only one such romance that’s really highlighted and it was well done. It was nice to have, but it wasn’t the focal point of the entire book or even of the character’s arc. And, no spoilers, the lesbian/bisexual (labels weren’t ever stated for one of the characters) romance was sweet and made me grin like an idiot more than once.
All in all, I loved Points of Departure like I haven’t loved a book in a while. I’m going to buy a hard copy and make it my go-to book for when I’m feeling sad.