Satisfying Endings

You might have heard the saying: your first chapter sells your novel, and your last chapter sells your next novel. Even if you write a captivating beginning and an interesting middle, readers will want to hurl your book across [...]

Royalty Rates

Author royalty rates have often been the topic of heated debates, especially since the e-book revolution, so we thought we would blog about it today. Royalty rates vary from publisher to publisher. They also depend on the format of [...]

Believable Lesbian Romances

Most of the submissions we had so far—and most lesbian fiction—are romance novels. The success of the book stands and falls with the writer’s ability to develop a believable, satisfying romance. Unfortunately, many of the submissions we received failed [...]


To help writers who haven’t yet published a book and feel a bit overwhelmed with all the legal terms in publishing contracts, we decided to blog about some of the legal aspects of writing. What is copyright? Copyright law [...]


Here’s the next blog post in our series about manuscript rejection. We already blogged about four other common mistakes: telling instead of showing, violating point of view, writing an opening that doesn’t catch the reader’s attention, and dumping too much [...]

Info dump

If you follow our blog, you have probably read the post that advised writers to show, not tell, and to stick to one point of view. A related problem that we often find in manuscripts is the dreaded “info [...]

Showing 41–50 of 55 results

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