Satisfying Endings

You might have heard the saying: your first chapter sells your novel, and your last chapter sells your next novel. Even if you write a captivating beginning and an interesting middle, readers will want to hurl your book across [...]

Book Fair in Leipzig

Every year in March, Germany’s second-largest book fair takes place in Leipzig. This year, 2,063 exhibitors from 43 countries presented 100,000 books in a 69,000-square-meter area. In the last few years, the book fair had 163,000 visitors—and this year [...]

And the Winners are….

Wow – all in all we had 18 participants in the drawing. Unfortunately only 3 could win and the winners are: Lilaine, Sharon and Adrienne D (who wrote us a mail). Congratulations to the winners. Please let us know [...]

L.A. Metro by RJ Nolan

We are happy to announce that the second edition of L.A. Metro by RJ Nolan is now available as e-book on amazon and on Smashwords. Within a week, it should also be available via Bella Books and Rainbow eBooks. [...]

Royalty Rates

Author royalty rates have often been the topic of heated debates, especially since the e-book revolution, so we thought we would blog about it today. Royalty rates vary from publisher to publisher. They also depend on the format of [...]

Showing 641–650 of 698 results

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