Submission Guidelines

One of the reasons why publishers reject manuscripts is that authors did not read—or chose to ignore—the submission guidelines. Most publishers have a specific focus and a specific format in which they want to receive submissions, usually described in [...]

And the winners are…

Thank you for participating in the book give away. All in all we had 23 participant and only two paperback copies of Walking the Labyrinth to give away. So, what did we do? We decided to give away three [...]

Book Give Away

Walking the Labyrinth by Lois Cloarec Hart is finally available as paperback. To celebrate this we’ll be giving away two copies of the paperback. Anyone can participate in the book giveaway. Just leave a comment below or send an [...]

Have Fun in Dallas

Ylva Publishing wishes everyone participating in the GCLS conference in Dallas lots of fun. For those who never heard of the GCLS: The Golden Crown Literary Society is an organization for the study, discussion, enjoyment, and enhancement of lesbian [...]

German National Library

During our stay in Leipzig, we also visited the facility of the German National Library. The German National Library has two facilities: one is in Leipzig, the other in Frankfurt/Main. The national library was founded in Leipzig in 1912. After [...]

And the winners are…

Wow – all in all we had 36 participants in the drawing for Walking the Labyrinth. Thank you all for participating. We decided to give four e-book copies away. And here are the winners: – Steph – Lynne – [...]

Book Give Away

We decided to start the book give away a day earlier than planned. So, here you go: To celebrate the publication of Walking the Labyrinth by Lois Cloarec Hart we’ll be giving away three copies of the e-book version. [...]

Showing 601–610 of 698 results

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