Advertising Your Books On The Internet

Today Angelika Niere, director at BIEG Hessen, an office established by various Hessian Chambers of Commerce and Industry to help small companies improve their online marketing, talks about the importance of online marketing: Everybody can do online marketing. It [...]

Upcoming Releases

Are you wondering when your favorite author’s next book is coming out? Today, we want to give you a preview of the books we’re going to publish in the next three months: January: Hidden Truths by Jae will be [...]

To New Writers…

We asked Paulette Callen, author of Charity and Fervent Charity, what kind of advice she would give to new writers. Here is her anwer: If you are a new, just-starting-out writer (that doesn’t mean YOUNG…you can start writing at [...]

Oh, Canada…

We received some news from Lois Cloarec Hart that we wanted to share today: Happy New Year, everyone. Just a little reminder that the Virtual Living Room ( is doing an “Oh, Canada” spot-on this weekend from Friday, Jan [...]

Writing Resolutions 2014

Everyone starts with at least one resolution into a new year – even if it’s just the one to not have a resolution… We asked some of our authors about their writing-related resolutions for 2014 and some even sent [...]

And the winners are…

Thank you all for participating in our giveaway. The response was nearly overwhelming and we’re very, very sorry that we can’t just hand out prizes to every participant. But sending 80 prizes around the world would be a bit [...]

Holiday Giveaway

We are thankful for a very successful year and for the many positive experiences we had in 2013. To see Ylva Publishing develop as it did was a great joy for us. In this spirit, we want to share [...]

Showing 511–520 of 698 results

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