Samantha Luce was born and raised in the Mosquito state a.k.a. Florida. She is a total dork who became hooked on kick-ass women growing up in the eighties, seeing Sarah Connor of Terminator and Ellen Ripley of Aliens.
For the past ten years, Samantha has been working in law enforcement. She met the love of her life online through the wacky world of fan fic. The two have met in person just once, but their long-distance love separated by five states and a ton of snow has only grown stronger during the past few years.
In her spare time (Hmmm, what’s that?) she writes fan fiction, reads whatever she can get her hands on, watches way too much TV, and is currently at work on a lesbian thriller featuring a kick-ass FDLE agent and a sexy deputy sheriff. Oh, and she has plans to hopefully contribute another short story to Ylva’s Halloween anthology.