There are more and more books being published in lesbian fiction. So, here at Ylva, we thought it was time to take a closer look at what’s hot and selling at the moment. It will come as no surprise [...]
There are more and more books being published in lesbian fiction. So, here at Ylva, we thought it was time to take a closer look at what’s hot and selling at the moment. It will come as no surprise [...]
For us at Ylva HQ, 2016 was a hoot. We published over fifty English novels, novellas, anthologies, and short stories. Some of them were shortlisted for awards, some of them even won awards, a lot sold in the thousands [...]
How cruel is it to ask me to hand in a top-five of books? Hello? At best I could come up with a list of top fifty. But, since this isn’t allowed, I decided to make a list of [...]
“We read to know that we’re not alone.” C.S. Lewis Once upon a time a lonely teenage girl discovered Lord of the Rings, three books that helped her escape small town reality; at least for a few hours every [...]
Astrid Ohletz Again and again I’m asked by my friends, acquaintances and even my parents, what I actually do all day. As the books are written by the authors, what work is left for me to do? So I [...]
In 2014, the wife and I spent an evening with Val McDermid. Well, unfortunately, not only us three. We were only two among many listening to Val talk about her then new book, The Skeleton Road, at Norwich Theater [...]
Did you have access to LGBTQ+ YA (Young Adult) books when you were a teenager? I certainly did not. I didn’t even know that books like these existed. And maybe they didn’t back then; at least not in Germany. [...]
Today is a very special day: We’re celebrating World Book Day in Germany, it’s four year since we’ve published the first (German) lesbian fiction paperback, and it’s my (the publisher’s) birthday, all rolled into one. As an avid reader, I always [...]
As a lesbian fiction publisher I spend most of my time at my desk. There is not a lot of contact with readers in my daily routine. I guess the same is true for authors. So, I was happy [...]
“The flesh beneath Sam’s fingers was hot. Her heart raced; her muscles trembled. This was heaven. Or at least as close to heaven as she would ever get. Minutes ago she had finally managed to pin Gillian up against [...]
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