Management Team

Astrid Ohletz

Managing Director

Astrid Ohletz has an education as a library assistant but worked as a PA for one of the partners of a large, international law firm for more than ten years before she became a publisher. Publishing combines her love of books with her understanding of legal and economic issues.

Being able to publish books where subtext is maintext is a dream come true for Astrid. Having a certificate in editing from the Academy of German Book Trade doesn’t hurt.

In her free time, she writes stories under the pseudonym Emma Weimann.

Daniela Hüge

Operations Director

Did Daniela ever consider being part of a publishing house? The answer is clearly and precisely: no. When she was young there was only one thing she wanted to do: become an animal keeper. So she did. After working with cold-blooded animals for ten years, she went to night school and met Astrid. That’s when life changed.

Somehow, this animal-lover got stuck in the world of books and now holds a Master of Arts Library and Information Science (MA LIS).

Team Members

Sandra Gerth

Senior Editor

Sandra Gerth works as a content editor with some of our authors, acts as a liaison between our authors and the rest of the production team, and plays editing ping-pong (discussing dangling participles, commas in compound predicates, and other fun things) with our editorial consultants.

She has a degree in psychology from the University of Freiburg and a certificate in editing from the Academy of German Book Trade. She’s an award-winning author in her own right.

Lee Winter

Digital Content Manager

Lee Winter

Lee Winter has bounced all over Australia as an itchy-footed, award-winning journalist. For almost three decades she covered everything from hard news, courts, crime, and television, to feature writing, as well as turning her hand to being a humor columnist and a sub-editor. When she wasn’t falling in lust with every new-fangled gadget or picking apart the bizarre world of US politics, she could be found spending every waking moment furtively scribbling novels.

Lee is now a full-time author and part-time editor at Ylva. She is also our Digital Content Editor, editing or writing our blogs and various content we produce for the public. Lee says that being part of Team Ylva makes her as “thrilled as a Rottweiler with a tennis ball.” We hope that’s a good thing.

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