And the winners are…

Charity- 1600 Barnes and NobleThank you for participating in the book give away. All in all we had 29 participant and the demand for the e-book was higher.

This time the winners are:

– Lisa T

– Asiabel
– Amy

An extra copy of the e-book goes to

– AJ Johanson

Congratulations to the winners. Please let us know to which e-mail address we should send the e-books and which format you would prefer. For those wanting a paperback please let us know your snail mail adress. You can send the information to

For those that weren’t so lucky there’s still the possibility of buying Charity from amazon, Bella Books and/or Smashwords as e-book and as paperback from amazon and Bella Books.

And the next book give away is not too far away: on October 20 we’re giving away free e-book copies of “When The Clock Strikes Thirteen” and on October 27 we’re giving away free e-book copies of the second edition of “Kicker’s Journey” by Lois Cloarec Hart.

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

1 Comment

  1. caroline hislop October 9, 2013 at 11:12 - Reply

    I would like mobi format please.
    My e-mail address is

    Thank you very much

    Sent from my iPad


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