Have Fun in Dallas

Ylva Publishing wishes everyone participating in the GCLS conference in Dallas lots of fun.

For those who never heard of the GCLS: The Golden Crown Literary Society is an organization for the study, discussion, enjoyment, and enhancement of lesbian literature.
They hold yearly conferences; this year in Dallas, next year in Portland, and 2015 in New Orleans.

1While we will not participating this year, we sponsored a coffee break and one of our books, Something in the Wine by Jae, is a finalist in the category contemporary romance. We’re keeping our fingers crossed. A new one would look good on Jae’s shelf with the four she already won in the past. We’re always thankful to have such an amazing award winning lesbian author on our team.

So, everyone in Dallas: enjoy your time.

Wish we were there….

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

1 Comment

  1. Asiabel June 26, 2013 at 15:37 - Reply

    I am so proud of Jae!! It is wonderful that she is known all over the world. She is an excellent writer with stories to share, but most importantly, she touches our hearts. I believe that is what makes a great writer. Congratulations, to you, her publisher, and to her!!!!
    Warm greetings from Puerto Rico !!!

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