Welcome to Ylva Publishing: Shaylynn Rose

ylva-logo1Ylva Publishing is happy and proud to announce that Shaylynn Rose has joined our team. Shaylynn is the author of Banshee’s Honor, a wonderful fantasy novel which we will be republishing in 2014. It’s going to be a revised version and we will make it available not only as paperback, but also—for the first time—as e-book.

Here is what Banshee’s Honor is about:

Warleader. This is what the people of Y’Dan used to call the proud warrior Azhani Rhu’len.

Banshee. Oath breaker. Murderer. These are words that slip off their tongues now.

Azhani Rhu’len, once one of the greatest of Y’Dan’s warriors, is now just a common criminal, escaping the justice of the kingdom she swore to serve.


Kyrian Stardancer. Goddess’ Own. A healer and priestess, she is inviolate until one day, when her world is turned upside down and tossed over the back of a horse—literally.

Torn from all she knows, Kyrian finds her fate now rests squarely on the shoulders of the oath breaker, Azhani Rhu’len.

When signs of ancient evil appear, Azhani and Kyrian must choose whether to ignore the warnings or stand and face the terrifying menace.

We will enjoy providing a new home for Shaylynn’s book and look forward to a long and productive time together.

It’s great to have her on board. Welcome, Shaylynn.

The Ylva team

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. Cheri The Rev May 7, 2013 at 20:48 - Reply

    So very excited about this. I love Banshee’s Honor and have been waiting for years for it to be available in ebook.

    Congratulations to both Ylva and Shaylynn!

  2. Jae May 7, 2013 at 22:43 - Reply

    Welcome to the Ylva pack, Shaylynn.

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