Seduction for Beginners

SFBIn Jae’s short story, main character Annie Prideaux is wishing for a manual on how to seduce her girlfriend, Drew. Well, “Seduction for Beginners” is not a how-to guide for seduction, but we hope it will give you a glimpse into the lives of these interesting characters that met and fell in love with in Something in the Wine.

“Seduction for Beginners” has been previously published in our anthology Connected Hearts, which also includes another short story by Jae, one by Joan Arling, and one by RJ Nolan. Now we’re making “Seduction for Beginners” available as a single short story.

Here’s a short excerpt: 

Annie clicked her pen on and off and stared down at her notebook. She had been sitting at her desk for the past hour, trying to come up with a plan, and yet the page was still empty. Groaning, she picked up the stress ball from the edge of her desk and kneaded it in her left hand. Why hadn’t anyone ever written a book on how to seduce your girlfriend?

Hmm, maybe someone has. She nudged the mouse on her desk, and her computer monitor sprang to life. A quick search on Amazon produced a list of books with titles such as How to Use Hypnosis to Seduce Women and The Foolproof Guide to Picking up Hot Chicks.

Annie shook her head. She didn’t want instructions on how to lure dozens of women into her bed. What she needed was a little help with wining, dining, and seducing one specific woman—her girlfriend, Drew.

Well, she had the wining and dining part down pat. Annie thumbed through the pages of her notebook that listed her plans for Valentine’s Day. First, they would have dinner at an expensive restaurant overlooking the ocean and watch the sun set while sipping on a glass of Drew’s wine. Afterwards, they would stroll along the beach before they returned to the cozy bed-and-breakfast where she had booked a room.

That was where the problems started. They had shared some heated kisses, but Annie had no experiences beyond that. At least not with women.

Annie knew Drew wouldn’t make the first move even though she was the more experienced one. From the moment they had first gotten together twelve weeks ago, Drew had always made sure not to pressure Annie when it came to their physical relationship. She had let Annie initiate their first real kiss, and now it would have to be Annie who introduced lovemaking into their relationship.

She sighed. Sometimes, having a considerate girlfriend was a pain in the ass.

* * *

“Seduction for Beginners” is available as a DRM-free e-book from Amazon and from Smashwords.

We hope you enjoy the short story!

The Ylva Publishing team

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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