Book Giveaway: The Winners

TulpeFirst of all: Thank you very much for your congratulations and making my birthday a very special day. That book giveaway was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed getting so many mails and reading the comments here on the blog.

We had over 60 participants. And I’m really sorry that I can’t hand out a book to everyone. Anyhow, my partner Daniela just drew the names of the lucky winners – and here they are:


– Backwards to Oregon by Jae: MA Lustgraaf

– Beyond the Trail by Jae: Debbie Grist

– Connected Hearts / Anthology: Cheyenne

– Gingerbread Hearts / Anthology: S. Rice

– Hot Line by Alison Grey: Ani T

– L.A. Metro by RJ Nolan: Leana

– Manhattan Moon by Jae: Kriszta

– Something in the Wine by Jae: Marlene Tise

– The Wish by RJ Nolan: Lee Fitzsimmons

One autographed paperback each of:

– Backwards to Oregon by Jae (revised and expanded edition): Bénédicte

– Hot Line by Alison Grey: Lisa W.

– Something in the Wine by Jae: Anja Rau

One paperback of:

-L.A. Metro by RJ Nolan: Readreid

Congratulations to those who did win. Please let us know to which e-mail or postal address we should send the books. If you won an e-book please also let us know in which format you would like to receive it. You can send the information to

I’m really sorry if you didn’t win. But – there will be more book giveaways in the future. The next one is already scheduled for June: Walking the Labyrinth by Lois Cloarec Hart. And that is one good book, let me tell you.

There may even be one book giveaway within the next two weeks. I see a short story lurking on the horizon. And the name of the author is: Jae. Well, let’s wait and see…

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. Cheyenne April 25, 2013 at 21:03 - Reply

    Thank you! Looking forward to many moretears of YVLA publishing

    • Cheyenne April 25, 2013 at 21:04 - Reply


  2. -Lisa W. April 25, 2013 at 21:54 - Reply

    Fantastic! Thank you. I’ll be sending and email shortly.

  3. MaryAnne Lustgraaf April 26, 2013 at 13:32 - Reply

    Thank you. i have sent my email.

  4. Alex_LFR (@Alex_LFR) April 26, 2013 at 19:08 - Reply

    I didn’t win but thanks anyway for this fantastic opportunity!

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