Free Lesbian Short Story on Valentine’s Day

TulpeTo celebrate Valentine’s Day with our readers, we are offering one of the stories from our newest anthology, Connected Hearts, for free. Jae kindly volunteered one of her stories and would like to say a few words to her readers:

Dear readers,

Valentine’s Day is a day dedicated to lovers, but it isn’t just a day for couples and romance. Love is worth celebrating in every form. For many people, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to show affection and to say thank you to the important people in their lives.

I want to take this opportunity to spread the love and say thank you to my readers by giving away my newest short story, Seduction for Beginners, on Valentine’s Day.

The story is available for free on Smashwords starting now and on February 14.

Seduction for Beginners is a mini sequel to my novel Something in the Wine (available on Amazon, Smashwords, Bella Books, and many other online bookstores), in which Annie and Drew met and fell in love, turning especially Annie’s life upside down. The short story will now give you a glimpse of the next step in their relationship.

Here’s a short summary:

Jae_Seduction for BeginnersFor Annie, work always took precedence over romance. But now, recently come-out and involved in a relationship with a woman for the first time, Annie is determined to seduce her girlfriend, Drew, on Valentine’s Day.  Unfortunately, she has no clue as to the arts of seduction.

Get the Something in the Wine sequel here. I hope you enjoy it.

Happy Valentine’s Day


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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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