Writing Resolutions

Everyone starts with at least one resolution into a new year – even if it’s just the one to not have a resolution…

We asked some of our authors about their writing-related resolutions for 2013.

I’m planning on republishing revised editions of my novels Backwards to Oregon and Second Nature this year. I hope that my new novel, True Nature, will be published in fall. In addition, I want to write and publish a few short stories and maybe even a novella.

One thing that I’ve been contemplating for a long time is to have my author website redesigned by a professional web designer. I hope I’ll finally manage to do that this year.

Since I find writing on the train very productive, I want to try writing in cafés this year.

Another one of my resolutions is to attend a few workshops on writing and editing in 2013. The first workshop, one about proofreading your novel, will start next week.

Last but not least, I hope to find the time to become a bit more familiar with my new writing software, Scrivener.

Joan Arling:
It would certainly be nice if my current writer’s block vanished. I wrote just one short story in 2012, and it was instrumental in losing me a girlfriend. There’s that novel-sized project, which I may have to start from scratch…

For now I try to apply what I learned from my first professional editorial session to what I’ve written before — not much joy in this, but, hey, at least the stories profit from it.

After that, who knows?  🙂

RJ Nolan:RJ-Writing-Nook
A myriad of things conspired to keep me from the keyboard in 2012. My resolution for 2013 is to spend a little time every day, even if it’s just an hour, tucked away in my writing nook. A picture of the ocean and headphones to listen to the soothing sounds of the surf are sure to stir my muse. And of course, my ever present cup of tea.

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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