Book Launch in Calgary

Here is a little report from Lois Cloarec Hart about the book launch party for Walking the Labyrinth:

Lois1On September 6th, we held a book launch for Walking the Labyrinth in downtown Calgary. It was a fun evening, and my thanks go to Mona Katawne and Sue Jenkins for hosting the event at their condo and to Glenda Smith, who was my good right arm in getting things ready.

I consider the reading a success since I didn’t pass out from nerves halfway through and even got a few laughs during the Q&A session afterwards. I read two excerpts, the first from chapter three in which Lee drives her client north to Saskatchewan and has her first glimpse of Wrong-way Wally, who is pivotal to the story. The second excerpt was from chapter eight when Lee and Gaëlle walked to Goose Lake. In this segment, their relationship begins to deepen as Lee gains insight into her sometimes baffling hostess and discovers something startling about Wally’s predictions. Lois2

Ylva contributed additional books for the event, and we sold a number of my books and almost sold out of Jae’s books. It was a pleasure to chat with readers and enjoy some food and wine along with the great company.

This sure sounds like a fun evening and I wish I could have been there.

If your’re interested in Walking the Labyrinth: It is available via amazon and Bella Books as e-book and paperback and well worth the read.

At the end of October we’re going to publish the second edition of Kicker’s Journey by Lois. And more of her books are to come in 2014.

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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