Two Opportunities to “Meet” our Authors

Today we want to draw your attention to two events. One that has already taken place but can be listened to on the web and another one that is coming up next week.

NFD Jae had an Amaretto Apple Juice with Andy and The Rev from Cocktail Hour and had fun answering their questions. Listen to the interview and don’t forget to answer their question in the comments. You can win a signed copy of one of Jae’s books or a Natural Family Disaster mug!

And you can listen to Jae’s cute German accent…

Here is the link:

And here is another event: Lois Cloarec Hart has a book launch scheduled for September 6. This is an opportunity for all those living close to or in Calgary. The event will take place:Walking The Labyrinth 300x200

910 Fifth Avenue SW

Copies of Walking the Labyrinth, as well as a selection of her earlier works along with other books published by YLVA Publishing will be displayed and available for sale.

Wine, coffee, tea, and appies will be served

Lois will be signing and doing a brief reading.  Drop her a mail if you’re interested in this event:  Lois (at) loiscloarechart (dot) com.

Have fun meeting our authors

The Ylva team

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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  1. Erzabet Bishop August 28, 2013 at 18:11 - Reply

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