Welcome To Our New Blog

May has proven to be a spectacular month for us. Not only did we publish a bestseller with RJ Nolan’s In a Heartbeat, but we also launched our new website. From now on, this blog is integrated into the website, so you won’t have to look for updates in two different places.

We’ve been working on the new website since the end of last year. When we started with Ylva Publishing in fall of 2012, we never expected that we’d grow so fast and publish so many books in such a short time. A year later, we knew that the old website just wasn’t up to providing you, our readers, with the quality we want to produce not only with our books, but in all other areas as well.

We didn’t add a lot of new features as our focus was more on streamlining to make navigation easier. However, one new implementation is the section “The Ylva Team,” where you’ll find pictures and bios of those working hard to publish books that you can’t put down.

And another new thing is that from now on, you can sign up for a newsletter, which we will be sending out regularly to keep you updated on new books, upcoming releases, giveaways, interviews, contests, and much more. All you have to do to receive our free newsletter is to enter your e-mail address into the box in the upper right corner of this website and then click “sign up.”

So, here we are. How do you like our new website? Does it work for you?

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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