Welcome at Ylva Publishing: Gill McKnight

bio-pic_gill-mcknightJoin us to celebrate a new pack member at Ylva Publishing: the wonderful Gill McKnight has become a part of our team.
She will support us as an editor and primarily as a project manager.

Gill lives in Eressos, on the island of Lesbos in Greece. While the small whitewashed villages and rural communities remind her of  the Ireland she grew up in, the weather does not. Gill likes to read, write, garden, and generally enjoy Greek life with her friends, some permanent, others as seasonal as her garden. When she’s not hanging in Sappho land, Gill can be found wandering Europe in her dilapidated camper van with her wee dog, Wally.

Many of you may know Gill as the author of the Garoul Series and stand alone novels such as Cool Side of the Pillow, Erosistible, and many more. We’re very happy to have her not only join us as part of the editing team but also as an author.
Gill’s first book, The Tea Machine, a story of time travel, love, and, of course, tea, will be published with Ylva early in November 2015, with many more books to come in the future.

It is a great joy to have Gill become part of the Ylva team.


Astrid Ohletz



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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. CJ April 2, 2015 at 07:24 - Reply

    A wonderful addition to the team. Welcome Gill!

  2. Nikki Busch April 2, 2015 at 13:27 - Reply

    Congratulations and welcome to the pack!

  3. Sharon Saxton April 2, 2015 at 13:27 - Reply

    Glad you made the move! Much happiness with Ylva!

  4. ChristieP April 2, 2015 at 18:50 - Reply

    Welcome Ms. McKnight. We all wish you well and look forward to your stories.-ChristieP

  5. Karen Wolfer April 2, 2015 at 20:16 - Reply

    Absolutely Wonderful news! I love Gill’s writing and have all of her books but one. That one will soon be added to my collection. 🙂

    So looking forward to The Tea Machine. Congratulations, Ylva, on once again adding an amazing writer and editor and now, project manager to your pack. Well done!

  6. Erzabet Bishop April 2, 2015 at 21:57 - Reply


  7. Widdershins April 2, 2015 at 22:46 - Reply

    Lesbos, eh? Doesn’t get any better than that! 😀

  8. Michelle E April 3, 2015 at 01:15 - Reply

    Gill is a fabulous, enchanting author! What a great catch for y’all!

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