Under the Christmas Tree

Believe it or not–but yesterday it finally did snow here in Germany. And we’re talking about 14 hours of white stuff coming down. This morning we woke up to a winter wonderland, which makes me very happy. The view out of my office window is really amazing.

For our last blog entry in 2014 some of our authors shared with us what they found under the Christmas tree. Well, and I did as well.




It seems I was a good girl this year since there were a lot of things under the Christmas tree, among them wireless headphones and an electric hot water bottle. I also got a lot of books, candles (which I always put on while I write), and office supplies, including a pen that includes a penlight so that I can write down little notes when an idea pops into my mind in the middle of the night.[/two_third_last]


May Dawney:


Christmas has always been a secular family affair; the first day of Christmas is reserved for my parents, the second for my girlfriend’s. My favourite present this year was undoubtedly the dinosaur habitats my girlfriend made for me. The fact that my girlfriend made me two dinosaur habitats with cacti should tell you a fair bit about the both of us; that I love dinosaurs and other childish and fantastical things, for example. That I can’t keep a regular plant alive, that my girlfriend is the creative sort. One of the two is now on my desk, right there to look at when I write as a little reminder to not take life so seriously—I have a tendency to do that, after all. I’m very ready to start the new year with dinosaur support!




[two_third_last]Fletcher DeLancey:

Writer-slash-editors can be tricky to buy books for, because we’re very picky about the quality of what we read. My wife showed her perfect understanding of my wants and needs with her gift of two books: 1) Neil Gaiman’s The Sleeper and the Spindle, a reimagining and blending of both Snowhite and Sleeping Beauty, in which the Queen gets shit done because she’s the leader and the best qualified to resolve a major crisis…and 2) the latest edition of the Chicago
Manual of Style
, which I have been wanting for a year. Yes, I am a certified dork who actually gets excited about getting a style manual for Christmas. But more importantly, I’m a dork with an understanding wife.[/two_third_last]


R.G. Emanuelle:


My favorite gift this year was a set of baking items: a cake carrier with a handle, a rotating cake plate, and a cake lifter (it literally lifts cakes up to move them from one surface to another). Life is made up of the little things.

[one_third_last]cake stuff[/one_third_last]


RJ Xmas

[two_third_last]RJ Nolan:

Since it was past time to retire my Sony e-reader, under the tree this year was my first Kindle, a Paperwhite.  My previous reader did not have a built-in light. I’m already in love with that feature. Also under the tree were a number of DVDs. As you can see, my tastes run toward sci-fi with a few more serious titles thrown in.[/two_third_last]


Lois Cloarec Hart:


Though I received some lovely gifts this Christmas, both practical and entertaining, my favourite memories for the 2014 holiday season are experiential. My wife and I travelled south to West Palm Beach, Florida. Along with our dear friend, we spent parts of Christmas Eve and Boxing Day on the shore, hunting sea glass, laughing when we were soaked by wind and wave, and marvelling at kite-boarders who launched off the whitecaps and hung in the air, actually flying for a few brief moments. I rarely go barefoot outside, but I doffed my water shoes and enjoyed the fine sand underfoot and the temperate Atlantic swells swirling around my feet. Despite being an inlander by birth, the ocean never fails to restore me. It was a fitting way to celebrate the season and begin what will hopefully be a productive new year.



Jane Waterton:

This year for Christmas, my partner Pip and I gave each other the trip of a lifetime. A 12 day cruise with Olivia from Sydney to Tasmania and New Zealand in February 2015.  We have always wanted to join an Olivia cruise, but the added cost of travelling to the US from Australia kept it out of our reach.  When we heard Olivia was coming “Down Under” in 2015, we booked immediately! Pip, myself  and approximately 1,898 other lesbians, from all over the world, on a luxury liner. What could possibly be better? For those of you that are interested, I have copied the link below!

Our Christmas day was spent with family and close friends, wonderful food and lots of laughter.  Life in the desert can be challenging, especially as we are the only lesbians for several hundred miles.  Living and working in a remote region highlights for us that all the presents under the tree mean nothing, if we can’t share our lives with those we love.




[two_third_last]Caren Werlinger:

Beth and I exchange our Christmas gifts early before we leave to spend the holiday with her family. This year, I got something I’ve been wanting for a long time – Rosetta Stone Gaelic! She surprised me with an Irish-English dictionary and an Ireland touring book. It looks like maybe the dream of travelling to Ireland might happen in 2015! She also got me some old movies I’ve been hoping for, including Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant in “Holiday”.

The best present of all, though, is being able to spend the holiday with my love. Nothing beats that![/two_third_last]


Astrid Ohletz:

Mrs. Claus brought me lovely presents this year. I selected four for this blog entry:

A few weeks ago Daniela and I watched the US series House of Cards – which we loved. And now I got the UK series, which is rumored to be equally amazing.

There was one book under the non-existing Christmas tree. Actually, one book that I asked for: Lebt by Orkun Etener.  One of our best friends is working for Fischer Verlage in Germany and they published this thriller/historical fiction that I really, really would love to read. That is if I ever find the time.

My lovely wife presented me with a vintage glue that she bought in a shop I’m not allowed to enter. Why? Cause I would go crazy on a shopping spree. It’s one of those shops that sell stuff you really (don’t) need but/and have to have.

Last but not least there was a little something for my Mac Book. I’m a huge fan of the series Once Upon a Time and particularly of Regina, the Evil Queen. So, good friends presented me with a skin for my Mac Book. I will have to place Regina on the top so that the Apple logo (the apple) will sit in her hand.




It seems that Santa was busy with our authors this year. What about you? Did you get anything for Christmas you’d like to share with us?

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. Helma Santegoets December 28, 2014 at 11:16 - Reply

    Thank you ladies for your blog stories. And I wish everyone a happy new year to.

  2. Judy Comella December 28, 2014 at 14:56 - Reply

    Christmas was delightful. I received several E-books and my Girl gave me a Kindle Paper White so now I can feel just like RJ when I read her books. Happy New Year everyone.

  3. Karen Wolfer December 29, 2014 at 15:21 - Reply

    Lovely to read these mini-blogs. 🙂 Thank you all for sharing.

  4. Ameliah Faith December 29, 2014 at 16:17 - Reply

    I got the most wonderful pressie of all! A beautiful Sigil Fire Shirt from a lovely group of women!!!
    I can not thank you enough! Thank you for sharing your special gifts with us!!

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