Welcome: Cheri Crystal

bio-pic_Cheri-CrystalOne of the things we at Ylva love about author Cheri Crystal’s stories is how her characters spark right off the page.

No shrinking wallflowers, Crystal’s creations are smart, bold, passionate, opinionated women—a little bit thinky and probably a lot snarky. They may be looking for love or maybe just a hot erotic hookup, but they always have a clear, compelling agenda that drives plot, even if that agenda is to seduce their way into another woman’s bed.

As lovers of a well-told erotic tale, we couldn’t resist inviting Crystal to join the Ylva pack.


We are excited to announce that Crystal, a Golden Crown Literary Society award-winning author, will be publishing her new novella, Across the Pond, with us in 2015. It’s the story of two lesbians who ditch a boring medical conference for some consequence-free sex but soon find the attraction between them runs deeper than they expected.

We think you’ll love Cheri Crystal’s eye for erotic romance as much as we do.  In fact, she might just become y
our lesbian erotic fiction author find of 2015. Check out this short story by Crystal, Mama Knows, already featured in our recent holiday anthology Unwrap These Presents.

Welcome to the pack, Cheri!


The Ylva team

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. Devlyn December 19, 2014 at 11:38 - Reply

    Congratulations Ylva, Cheri is a favoured author and I am glad she will be in your corner.

    • Cheri Crystal December 19, 2014 at 14:23 - Reply

      Thanks, Devlyn. You’re the best. Hope you get everything you want for Christmas and have the best 2015. You deserve it. Hugs, Cheri

  2. Ameliah Faith December 19, 2014 at 15:08 - Reply

    Welcome to the family Cheri!! It is so lovely to meet you. I enjoyed your story in Unwrap These Presents and look forward to reading more!!!

  3. Widdershins December 19, 2014 at 21:33 - Reply

    Love that cover art for ‘Mama Knows’. The bow is placed … erm … just perfectly! 🙂

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