Upcoming Releases

Are you wondering when your favorite author’s next book is coming out?

Today, we want to give you a preview of the books we’re going to publish in the next three months:


Hidden-Truths-800 Cover reveal and PromotionalHidden Truths by Jae will be released as a revised version (e-book and paperback).

“Luke” Hamilton has been living as a husband and father for the past seventeen years. No one but her wife, Nora, knows she is not the man she appears to be. They have raised their daughters to become honest and hard-working young women, but even with their loving foundation, Amy and Nattie are hiding their own secrets.

Just as Luke sets out on a dangerous trip to Fort Boise, a newcomer arrives on the ranch—Rika Aaldenberg, who traveled to Oregon as a mail-order bride, hiding that she’s not the woman in the letters.

When hidden truths are revealed, will their lives and their family fall apart or will love keep them together?


Lessons in Love and Life  by Jae will follow Hidden Truths (e-book only).

Amy Hamilton finally has everything she ever wanted when Rika, the woman she loves, cover_lessons-in-love-and-lifemoves to the ranch. But years of having to hide her feelings leave her insecure, and her fears get the better of her. Convinced that Rika is growing bored with ranch life, Amy comes up with a daring plan. With her “father” as inspiration, Amy decides to dress up as a man so she can take Rika to Salem for a night of dancing.

Nothing goes as planned, and Amy learns some valuable lessons in love and life.

We’ll also publish Spread the Love in February, an anthology full of romantic and erotic cover_spread-the-loveshort stories by Fletcher DeLancey, Lois Cloarec Hart, Erzabet Bishop, J.L. Merrow, Sandra Barret, T.M. Croke, and Alisha Kelley (e-book only).


The revised version of Hearts and Flowers Border by L.T. Smith will be released in March (e-book and paperback).

A visitor from her past jolts Laura Stewart into memories—some funny, some heart-cover_hearts-and-flowers-border_miniwrenching. Thirteen years ago, Laura buried those memories so deeply she never believed they would resurface. Still, the pain of first love mars Laura’s present life and might even destroy her chance of happiness with the beautiful, yet seemingly unobtainable Emma Jenkins.

Can Laura let go of the past, or will she make the same mistakes all over again?

Hearts and Flowers Border is a simple tale of the uncertainty of youth and the first flush of love—love that may have a chance after all.

And last but not least, the revised version of Coming Home by Lois Cloarec Hart will be Coming-Home-800 Cover reveal and Promotionalrelased as well (e-book and paperback).

A triangle with a twist, Coming Home is the story of three good people caught up in an impossible situation.

Rob, a charismatic ex-fighter pilot severely disabled with MS, has been steadfastly cared for by his wife, Jan, for many years. Quite by accident one day, Terry, a young writer/postal carrier, enters their lives and turns it upside down.

Injecting joy and turbulence into their quiet existence, Terry draws Rob and Jan into her lively circle of family and friends until the growing attachment between the two women begins to strain the bonds of love and loyalty, to Rob and each other.

There are many more books to come in the first half of 2014: Conflict of Interest by Jae, In a Heartbeat by RJ Nolan, Mac vs. PC by Fletcher DeLancey, Beyond and Begone by Lois Cloarec Hart, Sigil Fire by Erzabet Bishop and Heart’s Surrender by Emma Weimann.

And we’ve already lined up several novels, novellas, and short stories for the second half of 2014.

However, we’re constantly searching for new, talented authors. We invite submissions of believable romances, erotica, mysteries, fantasy, and well-researched historical novels. If you believe that your manuscript is ready to be published, send us an e-mail and let us know.

The Ylva team

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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  1. Erzabet Bishop January 29, 2014 at 17:33 - Reply

    Reblogged this on erzabetbishop.

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