Spotlight Interview: Gill Mc Knight, author of The Tea Machine

Today’s Spotlight Interview is with author Gill McKnight, whose latest book, The Tea Machine, was released just last month.

As you’ll see from this interview, she’s got a wickedly dry, minimalist sense of humor that’ll have you giggling when you least expect it, not unlike The Tea Machine itself. Speaking with us, Gill sums up the storyline of her latest book, discusses writerly trade secrets, and brings up tea at least once. Read on to find out more:


1) How would you describe The Tea Machine? What is it about?

It involves time travel through Victorian London, ancient Rome, and outer space. Imagine The Importance of Being Earnest meets Cthulhu at teatime.


2) What sparked the idea for this book?



3) How did you come up with the title?

I was drinking a cup of tea and reading H.G.Wells’s Time Machine, and thought, ‘This will do nicely.’


4) What do you like about your main characters?

They are tall.


5) Did you plot out the entire book before you started writing, or did you explore where the story would take you?

I’m a pantser.  Every book is like jumping out of an airplane with only the one thought, ‘What colour’s my parachute?’


6) What was your favorite part about writing The Tea Machine?

I have two bits I like writing, the opening pages where I tumble into the story, and The End. Both are thrilling to me.


7) Are you working on a new novel? What can your readers expect next from you?

I tend to have several [manuscripts] in my super-secret folder, and I delve into any of them at any time until one appears to be closer to completion than the rest. Then I focus on that for a few weeks to get it out of the way. I’ve got the fifth Garoul, Soul Selecta 2, a witchy one and a straight-up romance about roses at the mo, with a Regency romance bubbling away in the background. Damn, that was supposed to be super secret.


8) How can your readers stay in touch with you?

Here, at Ylva! And also Or the cocktail bar at Skala Eressos  🙂


Thanks for taking time out to talk with us, Gill.

Gill McKnight‘s time-travelling, Cthulhu-influenced novel, The Tea Machine is available in the Ylva shop and all major online platforms.  Own it now!

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About the Author : Michelle Aguilar

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