Now available: The Bureau of Holiday Affairs by Andi Marquette

Cover to Ylva Publishing's The Bureau of Holiday Affairs by Andi Marquette

Really, we couldn’t say it any better than Georgia Beers herself:

“Grab some hot chocolate and settle in while Andi Marquette takes you on a funny, heartwarming, sexy ride through Christmas and beyond in this takeoff on a classic holiday tale.”

Ms. Beers is talking about none other than our newest release, The Bureau of Holiday Affairs by Andi Marquette, on sale now in the Ylva online shop. This bitingly funny lesbian fiction take on Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol is retold with with a female protagonist and updated for the modern age.

Meet Robin Preston, a ruthless businesswoman who has gotten where she is at Frost Enterprises by trickery, backstabbing, and generally stepping over anyone necessary to climb the rungs of the corporate ladder. True to form, she has just signed off on the firing of dozens of employees two weeks before Christmas. Clearly, Robin’s soul is in need of some redeeming.

Instead of Dickens’s ghosts of Christmas past, present and future, however, Robin gets instead a visit from Bureau of Holiday Affairs agent Elizabeth Tolson, a woman with a dossier on Robin’s life so thorough, it could only have been obtained by supernatural means. Tolson informs Robin that three other Bureau agents are about to visit her in these two weeks before Christmas with a single goal in mind: to show Robin the error of her ways. Can these agents take Robin back into her past and show her where she went wrong, or is Robin truly what Tolson thinks she is – a lost cause?

The Bureau of Holiday Affairs by Andi Marquette is now available in e-book format in the Ylva online shop, before you can even pre-order it anywhere else. Buy it now.

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About the Author : Michelle Aguilar

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