New medical romance and lesbian erotica titles

Book Cover: All the Little Moments

A few days ago, we made available G. Benson’s debut novel All The Little Moments for pre-order and, as we usually do, began spreading the word around to the online world to check out this sweet, funny, at times heartbreaking medical romance.

Next thing we knew, All the Little Moments rocketed up the Amazon Kindle store’s bestseller list for lesbian fiction, breaking the US top ten list as of yesterday. In Australia, G. Benson’s stomping ground, it’s at the number one spot. For a debut author, this is nothing short of amazing.

There’s a buzz about this book that you won’t want to miss.

Buy it now at Amazon KoboAppleSmashwordsAll Romance e-Books

Learn more about All the Little Moments




Book COver: Don't Be Shy This is for anyone who missed out on the red-hot erotic escapades of our two-volume Don’t Be Shy series earlier this year. Now get all of the series’ twenty-five previously published lesbian erotica stories written by some of Ylva’s highest-profile authors in one handy paperback edition.

Sometimes, you just want that feel of real paper under your fingers, no? For your consideration: Don’t Be Shy Book #3 – now available in lush, gorgeous, glossy paperback.

Buy it now here.

Then go settle down in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for a while. We won’t wait up for you.

[two_third_last]Learn more about Don’t Be Shy Book #3[/two_third_last]

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About the Author : Michelle Aguilar

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