Now available: “Goal Setting for Writers” by Sandra Gerth

cover_Goal-Setting-for-Writers_500x800Spring is approaching, and the first quarter of the year is almost over. For many of us, this is a time to look back at what we accomplished in the last three months and to think about what we want to achieve during the rest of the year.

As you could see from our blog post about the New Year’s resolutions of our authors and from writers’ blogs all over the Internet, many writers set goals and made plans for 2015 too. Finally finishing that book, getting published, winning a writing contest, or improving their writing skills are just some of the goals writers have.

Unfortunately, these are not goals that can be accomplished quickly or easily. But it can be done, especially with a little help.

So we’re glad to announce our first nonfiction book, Goal Setting for Writers by Sandra Gerth, whom many of you know under her pen name, Jae.

Goal Setting for Writers is the kind of book I’d have wished for years ago, when I didn’t know anything about writing and publishing and didn’t know where to look for guidance. In her book, Sandra takes writers by the hand and helps them set effective goals, break them down into small, manageable chunks, and accomplish their writing dreams through step-by-step action plans. This book gives writers a roadmap for how to write a novel or a nonfiction book, from initial idea to publication, providing numerous helpful resources along the way.

So if you’re a writer or want to accomplish important goals in 2015, take a look at Goal Setting for Writers, which is available now as ebook from Amazon.

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

1 Comment

  1. Kathy Brodland March 18, 2015 at 13:24 - Reply

    Oh this us definitely going on my must read list!

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