Now available: “The Caphenon” by Fletcher DeLancey

cover_The-Caphenon_500x800We let Fletcher take over for today’s announcement:

The wait is over! For both my readers and me, because I’ve been just as anxious as they have for this book to be ready. Now it’s finally here, and it’s gorgeous. I mean that literally, because the cover art and the printed book layout are beautiful—but I also mean it metaphorically, because this is an intricate, satisfying tale for people who really like to sink their teeth into a book.

The Caphenon will be something of a departure for readers who know me from The Past Imperfect Series, my Voyager novels. Those were space opera—meaning, romantic adventure in an outer space setting. The Caphenon is science fiction adventure. It has romance, yes, but the romantic plot is interwoven with adventure, intrigue, and exciting battle scenes. Though it is critical to the story, it is not the main part of the story.

The main part is the adventure, the world building, the complex plotting, and the character exploration, all of which will be very familiar to past readers. If they loved getting deep inside the characters in my Voyager stories, they’ll love this as well. If they loved getting lost in an imaginary world in my Voyager stories, they’ll love this too. Best of all, this book is the prequel to Without A Front, meaning it’s a part of Lancer Tal’s story that was never told until now.

The Caphenon is me letting my world-building skills out to play. It is rich with detail, and will take readers away to a whole new universe—a universe I plan to play in for many books to come.

And if readers still miss that focus on romance…then Without A Front I & II will have all of it they could want. Those are coming out this year, in October and November. In the meantime, dive into The Caphenon and get to know the world of Alsea. No one has seen it like this until now.

Fletcher DeLancey

The Caphenon is available from amazon, Apple, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. Nikki Busch March 14, 2015 at 12:01 - Reply

    Congratulations, Fletcher and Ylva Publishing. Having read The Caphenon twice during the editing process, I can honestly say I fell in love with this book.

  2. Dillon Watson March 14, 2015 at 23:46 - Reply

    Sounds wonderful, Fletcher. Looking forward to diving into a different world.

  3. Joan Arling March 15, 2015 at 12:38 - Reply

    Honestly, I had little hope of seeing the day. I am very happy now.

    Thank you, Fletcher, for giving us this book which I am reading right now. And thank you, Astrid, for persuading Fletcher to join the pack.

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