Welcome: Australian Author Emily O’Beirne

bio-pic_Emily-O-BeirneWhat A Difference A Year Makes.
A confidence-shattering year of bad breakups and disintegrating friendships, that is.

How do you come back from a solid year of heartbreak? That’s the question posed in A Story of Now, a gem of a new manuscript by Emily O’Beirne that we plucked out of Melbourne, Australia, and will publish this summer.

In A Story of Now, nineteen-year-old Claire Pearson can see how the disappointments and heartbreaks of the last year have made her brittle, abrasive, and a bit too sassy for her own good sometimes, but she doesn’t know how to change. She no longer even knows how to make friends. Meanwhile, the weight of her parents’ sky-high expectations is almost more than she can bear.

Enter Mia and Robbie. When they walk into Claire’s workplace, they’re the last people she expects to be the catalysts for a new life.
Despite Claire’s best attempt to alienate them Mia and Robbie persevere, and an unexpected new friendship develops. But then Claire starts having unexpected feelings for Mia. Does she dare ask her new friend for something more?

This bittersweet, ultimately hopeful story of self-discovery reminds us of what it’s like to be young and on the cusp of life, with so many choices set before you, yet feeling like you have none.

We are extremely pleased to bring A Story of Now to your attention and to welcome author Emily O’Beirne to the Ylva pack.

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. Erzabet Bishop January 28, 2015 at 23:10 - Reply

    This sounds like a wonderful new book! I can’t wait to read it!

  2. Devlyn January 28, 2015 at 23:17 - Reply

    Welcome to the Ylva Pack Emily, I look forward to reading your debut book.

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