“I survived” – a blog post by Lois Cloarec Hart

Lois Cloarec Hart, author of such wonderful novels like Coming Home, Broken Faith, Walking the Labyrinth and Kicker’s Journey had a bookstore appearance at Chapters last Saturday.

We asked her to share her adventure with us:

I’m sure there are gregarious extroverts who enjoy bookstore appearances; for a shy introvert, not so much.
But girded by the encouragement of family and friends, I spent four hours on Saturday afternoon making some sales, signing some books, and chatting with people who stopped by my table.

One of my favourite encounters was with a teenager who spoke of her dreams to be a published author. Initially her mother had to encourage her to speak to me, but she quickly grew animated telling me about the story she’s working on. It was a vivid reminder that whether your books sell in the millions or you’re still dreaming of holding your first published book, writers at all levels share a common creative passion as they nurture a story from a glimmer of an idea to a full-fledged novel. I don’t know the girl’s name, but I hope someday her dream comes true. 

Mine did.

Lois Cloarec Hart

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

1 Comment

  1. Widdershins May 19, 2014 at 21:18 - Reply

    Every one of us knows how far a kind word from someone we admire goes. 🙂

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