Now available: “Coming Home” by Lois Cloarec Hart

Coming-Home-800 Cover reveal and PromotionalWe are happy to announce that the revised version of Lois Cloarec Hart’s Coming Home is now available as e-book from amazon.

A triangle with a twist, Coming Home is the story of three good people caught up in an impossible situation.

Rob, a charismatic ex-fighter pilot severely disabled with MS, has been steadfastly cared for by his wife, Jan, for many years. Quite by accident one day, Terry, a young writer/postal carrier, enters their lives and turns it upside down.

Injecting joy and turbulence into their quiet existence, Terry draws Rob and Jan into her lively circle of family and friends until the growing attachment between the two women begins to strain the bonds of love and loyalty, to Rob and each other.

Coming Home will be available from Smashwords, Bella Books and All Romance Ebooks within the next days.


Astrid Ohletz



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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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