Giveaway over at CURVE: Puppy Love

cover_puppy-love_miniToday we can offer another book giveaway. This time over at CURVE.

CURVE is offering a free e-book copy of Puppy Love to three lucky winners. Comp is open December 18-22, 2013.

Puppy Love is a special project for us. All of the author’s royalties as well as the graphic artist’s fees will go to the Dogs Trust, a British organization giving stray and abandoned dogs a second chance at a brighter future with responsible, caring new owners. They are totally reliant on voluntary donations to continue the fantastic work they do.

In addition, we at Ylva Publishing, will be giving part of our profit to an animal charity in Germany.

And here is the blurb:

Ellie Anderson has given up on love. Her philosophy is “Why let someone in when all they do is leave?” So instead, she fills her life with work and dodges her sister’s matchmaking.

Then she meets Charlie—a gorgeous, brown-eyed Border Terrier.  Charlie is in need of love and a home, prompting Ellie to open the doors to feeling once again.

However, she isn’t the only one who is falling for the pup’s charms.

Emily Carson is her rival for Charlie’s affection, thus starting what can only be classed as a working relationship.

By allowing herself to love Charlie, can Ellie open her heart to anyone else?

So, head on over to CURVE to win a copy.
Or – if you don’t want to wait – buy one at either Bella Books, Smashwords or amazon.

Enjoy the read
Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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