Now available: “See Right Through me” by L.T. Smith

See Right Through Me- Draft2We are very happy to announce that See Right Through Me by L.T. Smith has just been published as an e-book.

L.T. was so kind to talk a bit about what publishing this book means to her and what lies ahead in the future:

What an opportunity! To be able to write on Ylva’s blog! I feel so special at the moment—so very, very special. Thank you.

And continuing with the thanks—thank you, Ylva, for asking me to join your pack!

Here is a little about me…

When I found out that my previous publisher was closing her doors, a sense of sadness swept over me. It wasn’t just because I had books already out there—it was so much more than that. It was a feeling that the stories I’d already written were now deemed homeless. I don’t write to become rich, most definitely not. But to know the words I write could be worthy enough for someone to want to publish can only be described as a feeling of warmth and acceptance. Ylva gave that feeling back to me.

See Right Through Me has been waiting so long to get out and about in the world. I finished the story in August 2008, and it was accepted for publication in 2009. After editing, she continued to sit and wait to be released, but I started to believe she would never see the light of day. But, thankfully, Ylva came along and offered her the key to her freedom—in e-book as well as paperback. What an upgrade that was.

I loved writing See Right Through Me. To be honest, she made me laugh even as I was patting out the words. The idea came to me when I had to have my shoulder X-rayed for pretty much the same reasons as Gemma Hughes. It wasn’t to save a child or land a plane—it was working on lesson plans late at night and sitting in the same position for far too long. How sad is that?

When I was writing See Right Through Me, I kept on thinking about how we sometimes doubt the most obvious good things in our lives. How we question those three little words—not “I love you” exactly, but the three other little words that should come hand in hand with it. Trust, respect, and love. How sometimes our own actions can lead to negativity, lead to those other three words—jealously, insecurity, and heartbreak. I wanted to show what could happen if we found ourselves in that situation, what we could lose if we allowed our lack of confidence to encroach on love. Not the most pleasant experience, believe me.

And here comes another thank-you to Astrid and the team. This time it is about Puppy Love, the next book to come out from Ylva. As you know, I love dogs. Big dogs, little dogs, big-eyed, big-bellied, hairy, scruffy, bald, stinky…you name it. Even if they are misfortunate enough not to even be our four-legged friends because of illness or injury, I still love them. Puppy Love is a special book and not because I penned her. She is special because all my royalties will be donated to the Dogs Trust, a UK-based dog charity dedicated to helping those pups in need. Not only do my royalties go to the Trust, but others have donated too. Astrid has donated a percentage of her profits too. Thank you, Boss Lady.

Amanda Chron (the fabulous graphic designer who made Mutley look like a pin-up model for Playbitch Magazine, the canine version of Playgirl) has also donated her fee. How wonderfully marvellous is that? We are not expecting you to cough up your hard earned dosh; we just want to make people even more aware of what is out there and the fabulous work people already do. By purchasing the book you have done more than enough. And that sounds like I’m trying to sell it to you—maybe I am (wink).

So. Finally. I will love you and leave you for now. I really, truly hope you like See Right Through Me. She has waited a very long time to get to meet you. I just hope you think she was worth the wait.

See Right Through Me is available from amazon as a DRM-free e-book.
Smashwords, Bella Books and other platforms will follow soon.

The paperback will be available in November.

Enjoy the read.

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. […] See Right Through Me has just been published, and you can read the full piece from LT here. […]

  2. Martha November 4, 2013 at 20:04 - Reply

    Have loved all of L T Smith’s books and delighted to find that I now have a new one to enjoy!
    Especially happy with the way L T’s earlier books have lots of action in my local city of Norwich love also her sense of humour and wonderfully described characters. Thanks LT – Martha

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