Now available: “Rich Girl” by Joan Arling

cover_rich-girl_miniWe are happy to announce that Rich Girl by Joan Arling is now available at amazon and Smashwords. Rich Girl is a lesbian novella and has about 16,000 words. Just the right size for a good read on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon with a hot cup of tea, a coffee, or a nice cocktail.

Once upon a time, there was a rich girl who got kicked out of her father’s mansion because she couldn’t care less about knights on white horses. Instead, she wants her happily ever after with another woman—with Dawn, a cashier at the local supermarket, to be more exact.

“Rich Girl” is a fairy tale without fairies, but with a villain, not one but two damsels in distress, and a helpful sprite. No princes, no dragons, but cash registers and guitars.

We’ll be doing a book give away next Sunday. Three e-book copies of Rich Girl are looking for a new home.

The Ylva team

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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