Now available: “Yak” by Lois Cloarec Hart

We are hacover_yak_minippy to announce that Yak by Lois Cloarec Hart is now available from amazon and Smashwords. Yak is a paranormal lesbian romance and has about 17,635 words. Just the right size for a good read on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon with a hot cup of tea or coffee.

Leni, a small-town, blue-collar lesbian, despairs of ever finding true love—or even just a Friday night date. Pickings are slim, but romantic woes aside, she’s happy living in the place she was born and raised.

Then Leni gets a new job as a nightshift cook at The Jester’s Court, a bustling roadside truck stop, where she encounters an enigmatic colleague nicknamed Yak. Finding herself fascinated with the woman, Leni disregards all advice to the contrary and attempts to befriend her fellow chef. Yak proves to be a hard nut to crack, but what’s harder still is deciphering why everyone lives in fear of her.

When events spiral out of control and Leni learns the dangerous truth, she must decide if winning Yak’s heart is worth the price she might have to pay.

We’ll be doing a book give away next Sunday. Three e-book copies of Yak are looking for a new home.

The Ylva team

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

1 Comment

  1. joanarling August 24, 2013 at 15:53 - Reply

    Brilliant! Well worth your reading time, and an ending that had me on the floor.

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