6th International Day of Femslash

femslashHave you ever heard of the International Day of Femslash?

Well, if you haven’t – Jae can help you out:

Yesterday, the online community celebrated the 6th International Day of Femslash.

For those of you who have never heard of it: Femslash is fanfiction featuring relationships between two women (who, most often, are straight in the canon universe of the TV show/movie).

They always hold an online FemSlash con on the nearest weekend, discussing various fandoms, pairings, and writing-related topics. That convention is taking place this weekend, and I’ve been asked to be a panelist on the original fiction panel, which is today. The other panelists will be Shira Glassman and Zelma Blitzreiter.

Here’s a synopsis of the panel:

Writing fanfiction has its own problems and difficulties, but once we make the leap to original fiction, the world created becomes entirely our own. No longer will we have set universes with fleshed out characters to work with. Original fiction means starting from scratch and relying entirely on your own imagination. How difficult or easy is that to do? What makes original fiction work? Let’s talk about what it takes to make it as a writer of original fiction.

The original fiction panel starts today (Sunday, July 21) at noon (EST). It will last for an hour. Check the starting times for other time zones here.

Come join us for some interesting discussion!


So, go ahead and join Jae and her co-panelists.

The Ylva team

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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