And the winners are…

Walking The Labyrinth 300x200Thank you for participating in the book give away. All in all we had 23 participant and only two paperback copies of Walking the Labyrinth to give away. So, what did we do? We decided to give away three copies…

And the winners are:
– Lauri Salzer
– lizcarnso
– cas

Congratulations to the winners. Please let us know your snail mail address. You can send the information to

cover_second-natureThere will be two more book give aways for e-books this month. One will be for Second Nature by Jae and the other one for Landslide by Diane Marina. So, if you don’t want to miss any of our future book giveaways, it would be a good idea to subscribe either to our blog (to your right) or to befriend us on Facebook (

Astrid Ohletz

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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